Operation EWS - Two outstanding nights on the Edelweißspitze in Austria - between 10.2. and 10.4.2013
Edelweißspitze (8435 ft),
Großglockner-High-Alpine-Road Austria, 12 Inch Dobson
(Hofheim Instruments) & Fujinon 10x58 binoculars
SQML up to 21,54 mag/sas, Temp. between 23degF and 32degF, relative air humidity 25% - 85% (at the end of the second night), seeing II-III (Antonadi-Skala), Transp. very good Cameras: Canon 6D - Lenses: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4,0 L IS USM and Walimex pro 14mm f2,8 First Night: Relative air humidity 25%-45%, seeing II-III, Temp: 23degF - 32gegF , SQML up to 21,54 mag/arc sec2, transparency very good
Observers: Uwe G., Friedl L., Frank R.,
Jimi L. (Texas, USA), Christian R.
Sec. Night: Relative air humidity 35%-85%, seeing II-III, Temp: 32degF - 41degF , SQML up to 21,4 mag/arc sec2, transparency decreasing over night
Observers: as above
Fail to see:
Abell 39, Abell 70, IC139, A110, A112
As far as the weather is concerned, thesafe optionfor theOctobernew moonwould have been theBavarianForest. An interim high pressure area in Central Europeshould provide at leasttwocloudlessnights there.
Theriskybusinesswould be theEdelweißspitzeon the GrossglocknerHigh Alpine Road.
How the decision where to go looks like with the above mentioned astro folks shouldbe obvious, right?
In addition there is thevisitof JimiL.,one of the knownvisualobserversof the U.S.scene.Mark,Frankand Uwehavemet himon the TexasStar Party last spring.
And Jimiwantsto see theEdelweißspitze,even ifitis rainingcats and dogs.
The goalfor the coming daysis therefore fixed.
Day One
The car isalreadypre-packed the evening before, I'm goingstraight from the officetothehighway on Wednesday afternoon.The closer I getto theAlps, the worsethe weather becomes....
Was theEdelweißspitzethe right decision?
FromSaalfelden am Steinernen Meer onwards,the sunfinally breaksthrough.Shortlyafter 6pmI reach theEdelweißspitze.
I use the last sunraysto take some photographs.
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View northwards to Zell am See
GrossglocknerHigh Alpine Roadand dissolvingclouds
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Last Sunlight in the evening trough clouds
View southwards
I meetUwe whoarrivedalready in the afternoonwithJimiandhis wifeConnie.A little laterFrank is also arriving - Mark, unfortunately, has to cancel.
Before thenighta commondinner takes place at whichI get to knowJimiand his wife Connie.Verynice and open people, we talkwell and havelots of funin oursquad.
We set up our equipment stillin the twilight , there is no windand the sky isclear!Asit turned out,the first nightwill be the better one; very good transparency, usefulseeing,no windand a relativehumidity of less than30% arethe main "milestones".
Let's go withthediamond ring, an obviousfirstobject sincethe telescopeusuallypoints to thePolaris anyway to check thecollimation. I've onlyto change theeyepiece andthe"OperationEdelweiss2013" runsoff..
Diamond Ring:
Ring of stars, appr.
1 degree in diameter, the Polaris represents the diamond.
Best view using the Baader Orthoskopic 31mm eyepice (V=49x).
NGC2276 (Arp25) & NGC2300(together Arp 114) & IC455: Beautifulcollection ofgalaxies inCepheusnearPolaris;NGC2276is a spiral galaxynear abright star, NGC2300(elliptical,with no apparentinternal structure)constituteArp114, nearIC455ismuch smaller(slightlyelongated),evident using direct vision
NGC2268: Approx.1.5 degreesapart from NGC2276, bright, oval
IC3568 - Lemon Slice Nebula:
Planetary nebulain Camelopardalis,verysmall, round, inner bright areawithoutanyrecognizable structure, no central star isvisible,the innerbright regionis surrounded by aroundhalo,easy with averted vision, the transitionbetweenthe inner and outerstructureboundedrelativelysharpouterhalorunsoutsoftly
A star at theedge of the object. Magnification:375x&500x/nofilter
PV Cephei: Gyulbudaghian's nebulaaround the young starPVCephei. The staris of typeFUOri,shortFuor, whichcanhave extremeoutbursts. Currently,the object isin a phase ofgreater brightnessand can be seenwith a smallerinstrument (10"-12"). Easy to see in averted vision; difficult todetermine the shape, most likelya triangle that"runs out" to the north.The southerncornerseemsslightlybetter defined.Thestar itselfIis not visible, neitheranystellarbrightening.
We continue withaprimeobjectof the northern sky, thedouble cluster H&Chi Persei
using Frank's 130mm F6 twin-refractor. Simply amazing, thefineneedlestars of differentbrightnessand colorseemtoliterallyfloat in thefield.
On theEdelweißhutthelandlordis set toamateur astronomers, there isno disturbinglight at all.
Only if yougo to theverynorth endof the observationplace(the telescopes are set up usuallyon the south end), you seeartificial light. The lightsof Zell am Seein the north-right of iton the horizon, the sky glowof Salzburg(50 miles away)
M33 - Triangle Galaxy: Messier
33 (also known as NGC598 ) is a spiral galaxy with dimensions of 70
'× 40' in the constellation Triangulum . M33 is the second
brightest galaxiy in the night sky (after Andromeda) and the most
distant object visible to the naked eye. The distance is about 3 million light years. Due to the low surface
brightness (about 14mag ), a dark sky is the prerequisite for a
successful observation .
Two years ago I started to identify internal structures of M33. Up to know I was able to see the
spiral structure , NGC604 (direct vision), NGC588 , NGC592 , NGC595
(averted) , IC142 , IC143, IC135 and IC136 (flashes up in averted
vision) .
NCG7331 Group: Spiral galaxywith companionsinPegasus, easy withdirect vision, core notstellarbutelongated.I'm able to identify fourcompanions,NGC7340, NGC7336in direct vision, NGC7337in averted vision (easy to hold), NGC7336dificult in averted vision NGC7331
Orion, Gemini and Jove raising behind the tower on the summit
ISON: The cometis currentlyin the constellation Leoandeasy to be foundsince in the proximity ofMars. Averted vision necessary, an "elongatedsomething", no structure visible Ison
There is still some way to go for Ison..... NGC383 Group (Pisces Chain): Very nicegroup of galaxies, beside NGC383the membersNGC382, NGC384, NGC385, NGC375, NGC380andNGC379are easy to be seen
NGC253 (Sculptor Galaxy): The silverdollar,rarelyseenas good as this night, bright; using the 20mmNagler,the galaxyfillsalmostthe field(1 degree)
Meanwhilezodiacal lightis visiblein the east. Theslightly greenishshimmer on the pic isairglow.
The photosof the night skyare bestin adarkened roomin full screen mode(without brightrims). Lions head,CancerandGeminiwithinzodiacal light
It dawns,Big Dipperin the sky ....
Narrow crescent moon inthe morning of October 3 Meanwhile,the temperaturehas dropped to23degreeF and thetirednessis noticeable. On the other handthe spectacle of the dawn, the impressionscan not be transmitted photographically...
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View to north
Dawn - view to the west
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Hohe Tauern Alps
Großes Wießbachhorn (11692 ft)
Edelweißhütte (8435 ft) the morning,fog down in the valley
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day two
Two images taken from the Edelweiß Webcam. The cammakesa360 degreepanoramaevery 15 minutesand runsthroughout the year.
Me (Wednesday evening)
Uwe and me at breakfest on Thursday morning; the others are to come
Theday goesby very fast with manynice conversations, coffee, cakesand relaxing...
According to weather forecast, theemergingcirrus cloudsshould disappearfor a fewhoursat night
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Zell am See and the "Steinernes Meer" behind
The tower on the Edelweißspitze
The leftimageshows the "Watzmann", a famous mountain (right side of the picture) The sight ofthe mountainssiluetteremembers Jimi to"batman" (the two"ears"). The associationiseven more obviousat night.
"Batman" behind Zell am See...
Afterdinner we set up our scopes. First object this night is ...
NGC188 - Proxima Cluster: Open ClusterinCepheusnear thenorth celestial pole, with about 5billion yearsone of the oldestopen clusters. Clearlyrecognizable, diameter about 1/4 - 1/3 degrees, somebright star chains Nagler20mm, V =75x
Kemble 2 - Little Cassiopeia: Asterismin the constellation Draco, severalbrightstarsin an arrangementreminiscent of theCassiopeia,diameter about0.75 degrees OrthoskopicBaader31mm,V =49x
H&Chi Persei
simply phantastic, also in the 12" f5 dobson!
Abell 39:
not found without a detailed star map
It ismuch warmer thanthe night before, the temperatureisstillabove freezing.In the south,highclouds are slowlyspreadingthroughoutthe north Milky Way M74 (in Uwe's 27"): Beautifulspiral galaxy(top view)in constellation pisces. What a sight! The spiral armswith innumerableknotsare simply marvellous.The link toUwe's drawing: M74
An other amazing sketch Uwe made this night is the Stephan's Quintett
See also his homepage for more sketches taken in these nights deepsky-visuell.
Whowe surely didn'tknownis the "EdelweissFox". There isa rathercheekyfoxup there hanging aroundbetweenthe telescopes at night. The animaleven touchedJimi's leg!Asan observer in west Texas, the manis used to rattlesnakesand scorpions, butthe foxhasscaredhim... We recommended Jimi a "Gamsbart" (what the hell is it?) out offoxhair, at the sight ofit thefox will disapear for sure.
Jimiand the foxareof coursethe issue of thenext few hours....
Back to bussines:
OnJimi'ssuggestion,we observe theinteractinggalaxy pairUGC813andUGC816(called Taffy2) inFrank's 20" dobson. Bothgalaxiesare visible, even the "bridge" in between using averted vision. An impressivesight.
UGC813 & UGC816: Interactingpair of galaxies, both visible directly (20"), the bridgein between isvisiblewithaverted vision. Now, comming from south, high cloudsare appearing.
Uwe at his 27" dobson - more and more clouds are comming in
Jove and the constellations Gemini and Orion
NGC1999 - Keyhole Nebula: shape of thedark cloudeasily recognizable Magnification:375x(4mm NaglerZoom) no filters used NGC1999 - Keyhole Nebula
Abell 12: Planetary nebulanear the 4mag bright starμOrionis; averted vision (the britght star disturbs), visible asa roundslicewithoutanyinternal structure Magnification:167x(Nagler9mm), OIIIfilter Abell 12
Twotime-lapsevideorecordedin thesecondnight.The incomingclouds in the south(secondhalf of the night) and the deterioratingconditionsarevisible.
Wefinallybreak downand storetheequipment in ourcars.Jimiconjuresasixpacka dark beer, we set ourselvesatone of the twotables on theobservationarea andlead, in the truest senseof the word,an American-German-Tyrolean-Deep-Sky-Summit-Meeting.
Theobservation area at Friday noonbefore Friedland myself leave-shortly afteritstarts to rain....
Uwe, Frankand Jimistill stay andhope fora predicted, shortgood weather windowin the night toSaturday.After avery rainyday,it finally becomes clear at Friday night.The remainingfolksuse thelastclearhours, too.Spendingthe secondpart of the nighta little deeper at "Fuscher Törl", since on the top upcomming strong windmakes the observing impossible.
Edelweiß: Frank R., Connie L., Friedl L., Christian R. (rear
from the left) - Uwe G., Jimi L. (front from the left)
Operation Edelweiß 2013 - The Summary: 1.) Itwas simply great, everything was perfect, the people, the weather, theconditions, the atmosphere -itcannot bebetter..
2.) The slogan of the week:
"28 inch is a lovely aperture for a travelscope" - Jimi L.
3.) For sure my observing highlight in 2013 top astronomy main page